• This is the information about going from Filandia, Colombia to Villavieja Colombiausing a bus.
  • You go to Armenia from Filandia then get a long ride to Neiva then transfer to Villavieja.

Filandia to Armenia: less than an hour

There is no straight bus to Neiva so going to Armenia is first step. The bus terminal is located here. They run pretty frequently. I took it at around 8pm since I was planing to take night bus to Neiva. The bus will drop you off terminal in Armenia so no need to worry about transportation there.

Armenia to Neiva

The bus was insanely comfortable. Probably the best quality that I had in my travel in past 8 months. However, I slept so good that I almost missed getting off the bus. Precisely, I woke up because I heard the voice saying NEIVA from speaker, but when I get off, it was a gas station. I thought, ok, they dropped off at a gas station just because they don’t want to go to the actual terminal. I just have to wait here a few hours before the sun rise. However, the driver was telling me something that I don’t understand. Then, tax driver was trying to ask me if I want to go to the terminal in Neiva, but the bus driver was saying to go back to the seat. I did not understand both guys well, but I ended up just going back to the seat, and hopefully they will take me to the terminal. I was afraid that driver will go to next city.(It happened to me once in El Salvador, I thought the bus would stop in the terminal, but they just dropped off people on the side of road, which I did not realize. I ended up getting off the bus at some random place :»).

Neiva to Villavieja: about an hour.

Once you arrived in the bus terminal, Neiva, there is a bus that takes you to Villavieja. I arrived Neiva around 5am and waited around 7am to get a bus to Villavieja. They will drop you off at main parque.

Villavieja is pretty small place that probably almost all people know each other very well so it is safe. Unlike Medellín, fialndia, salento, weather here is very hot and humid. If you have mosquito repel, that will help you lots if you go to Tatacoa desert. Also, check out observatory. It is such a beautiful place to relax.