- This is the information about going from
Salento Colombia
toFilandia, Colombia
using a bus.
- Filandia is very similar place like Salento, but less touristic.
At Salento parque central
It takes about an hour to get Filandia from Salento. It is very small and beautiful town like Salento. At the parque central, you’ll see the Jeep goes to several location such as Cocora Valley and Filandia and more. I took that zeep at around 4pm.
At Filandia
You’ll be dropped off at the parque central in Filandia. Even if you arrived at night, I would say it is a fairly safe town. Lots of people are walking, chatting, and hanging out in the street. I love small towns in Colombia.
Also, I was chased by three dogs on the road. I was going to hike and walking toward the mountain. The dogs were barking, but the house fence was there, so I was assured. HOWEVER, they got out somehow and started to chase me. I was chased A dog in different place in Colombia, but this time three dogs. I run and pretend to pick a stone, which kind of worked to scare dogs. They probably sense that I am out of their area, so they stopped chasing me. On the way back, I did not want to walk that way, but it was only one to head back to the city. I hitchhiked, but no one stopped. I waked further away from the city and ask if there is a bus to Filandia, but he said it was farther down from Filanida. Luckily, he has some errand in Filandia so he gave me a ride with his bike. I appreciated so much. As I was near the dog house, I was a little bit nervous. Weird enough, the police were doing something near the dog house, and we were pulled over. I was not wearing a helmet and asked what I am doing here. I explained with my poor Spanish, and they let us go. The lesson is that while dogs in the city are pretty behave, it is completely different once you go outside of the city.